Odp: GoPro
Sony Action Cam Cons:
1. My biggest complaint from the sony cam is NO SOUND can be recorded while in 60FPS and 120FPS modes. Not that I value sounds from any action cams inside a case, but no sound can be a deal breaker for some.
2. The sony cam is bit harder to setup. Once the cam is inside the case, there is no way to change settings unless I have the Wifi version with phones or tablets. I plan to use this camera underwater, so I cannot change any settings like switching resolution, FOV, or FPS while inside the case where GoPro can easily do.
3. No flat lens for underwater yet.
4. The GoPro protective case is far simpler and easier to take care of.
5. No LCD for live view that can be taken underwater, and no battery pack to extend the battery life.
6. The standard tripod mount is nice, but I cannot tilt the case like GoPro mount.
7. This is OK, but it records 60FPS and 120FPS at 30FPS in MP4. I just have to get used to it.
8. The bottom of Sony cam is not flat, so it cannot stand on its own without the case!!!
9. No 960P mode, which I believe is sometimes useful in GoPro Hero 2 with 48FPS.
10. It records timelapse images at 1920x1080. I am OK with it, but GoPro does much higher resolution.
First I was afraid that I would have to sell all my GoPros and get couple more Sony Action Cams. I am sure I will not do that after I tested the two. I will still use GoPro Hero 2 as my main cam underwater. I will use the Sony cam underwater when they release the door pack with a flat lens. I will test the two more and post some videos later this week
fajna opcja z tej sonki ale zastanawia mnie fakt czemu na wiekszych imprezach typu king of europe w drifcie wszyscy jezdza z GoPro a tam chlopakom bardzo zalezy na jakości.