Temat: New in Warsaw
I just moved here and if you go out for a ride give me a sign.
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FORUM.SUPERMOTO.PL » Przywitalnia » New in Warsaw
Strony 1
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I just moved here and if you go out for a ride give me a sign.
sie masz
nie ma lipy jest lans
Hello! U should follow this thread: [url]http://forum.supermoto.pl/topic4879-supermotowy-terror-warszawy-p552.html[/url]
They're giving information about where and when they driving in Warsaw :)
Hello! Are you the one I wrote on FB 690 Global group yesterday about 690's in Warsaw?
Zaproście kolegę na trening, może pojedzie w Bydgoszczy?!
Hello! Are you the one I wrote on FB 690 Global group yesterday about 690's in Warsaw?
yeah, that's me .
Where are you from?
If you like some supermoto trainings/racing check this thread:
Looks like they have some fun.
I'm from Romania.
What is the best online shop for bike accessories ? I need some chain clean and locktite.
I'm not sure if there is one best shop :)
You have shops like:
[url]http://sklep.olekmotocykle.pl[/url] - a lot of off-road stuff
[url]http://www.larsson.pl[/url] - they also have a stationary place at Al. Prymasa 1000-lecia 74B
and a lot more that I can not remember. You also have something like polish e-bay: moto.allegro.pl
Yo man
Strony 1
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FORUM.SUPERMOTO.PL » Przywitalnia » New in Warsaw
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