Temat: jak myślicie, przekręt?
wystawilem na allegro swój motor i jakiś koleś napisal mi maila o tresci :
When it was last serviced, how long have you owned it? and
what is your lowest price for it. I saw the offer on allegro.
I would also like to know about how to pay, because I'm
immediate interest in buying it and I can not come to
their country, I would prefer online bank transfer, because I think that
the easiest way to use credit cards safely and is
safe and reliable method of payment. Let me know your price. I
hope to hear from you soon and I will do all the preparations
transportation for him to be transported to my home in the United
Britain. If possible, you can send me some more recent
photo or video element?
wygląda mi to na podejrzane ale wolę sie jeszcze was zapytać ; )